Current Food Allergies:  Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts

Original Food Allergies:  Milk, Egg, Peanut, Tree Nuts, Chicken, Kiwi,            
                                               Nitrites, Orange, Soy, Turkey, Watermelon


Food Allergies, Food Allergy Friendly Restaurants

Food allergy friendly restaurants are my passion.  
Our son presented with multiple food allergies at age five months back in 1987.  At one point he was allergic to
18 foods. Gradually, by his sixteenth birthday, only four food allergies remained (counting tree nuts as one).  
Our home remains dairy free and nut free.
Our second child was born allergic to milk, egg, and peanut.  Before eighth grade he was food allergy free!  
Best of luck with your personal situation and food allergies.  Onto food allergy friendly restaurants and
experiences living with food allergies.
 Please read these Terms and Conditions of Use carefully before using this site regarding food allergies.
By using this site, you signify your assent to these Terms and Conditions.
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Blast straight to the database containing food allergy friendly restaurants and other food allergy useful links If
you want to skip past my personal inspirations for this website regarding food allergies and food allergy
friendly restaurants. Simply read and agree to the
Food Allergies ToGo Terms and you'll be allowed to access
food allergy friendly restaurants.  You don't need to sign up for anything or tell me who you are because I
HATE IT when sites make me do that to view stories about food allergies.  I want this to be easy and useful for
you.  If it's not, I have plenty of other things to do with my time, and I bet you do to.

Let's face it.  Each food allergy situation is unique.  Food allergies have given me the burning desire to write a
book for the past twenty two years, so that other families could skip some of the tedious steps we've been
through and jump right to some of the rewards of living with food allergies. Yes, in my opinion there are
benefits to living with a food allergy, and I will address those later.  But, as life with food allergies (starting in
1987) would have it, there was no time to help other people out because we were too busy figuring out how to
live with our own food allergy situation.  Back then there were no peanut free tables in school and the teachers
had no idea what anaphylaxis was.  Heck, I didn't know what food allergies were.  Food labels were a useless
joke, doctors didn't have half of the answers to the multitude of food allergy questions, and many outsiders
thought parents dealing with food allergies were over protective hypochondriacs.  Yes people, I know what
you were thinking, but I chose to ignore you.

Being a food allergy parent is like reading a mystery novel that doesn't have any conclusion.  Thank God for the
progress we've made with food allergies during the past two decades The .  
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis
Network, and Allergy and Asthma Network, Mother's of Asthmatics, seemed to be the only available resources
for families with food allergies when we started.  And forget the internet, because there were no online
resources regarding food allergies and families didn't have personal internet access.  Imagine no food allergy
websites, no Google searches about food allergies, no food allergy blogs, and no electronic sharing of ideas
on food allergies.   We had to get out the old fashioned pen, paper and checkbook to subscribe to the
Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network newsletter and the Allergy and Asthma Network, Mother's of Asthmatics
newsletter,which also contained tidbits on living with food allergies.

Never mind looking for food allergy friendly restaurants, it was challenging enough just trying to eat at home.  
The hunt for food allergy friendly food  caused us to shop at three different grocery stores each week. The
dairy free, nut free and soy free diet  required a weekly trip to Whole Foods. And it was a thirty minute drive
with two cranky kids, who both happened to have food allergies!  Of course, we always had to pack a cooler full
of food allergy friendly snacks before we could launch from the house, in case the car broke down or the
errand took longer than expected.  Oh, how I wanted to scold the parents who could enjoy the McDonald's
drive through, whenever they complained about the workload that comes with having young children.

Did I tell you about the time my hubby bought me a six foot tall freezer for Christmas, so that I could buy food
allergy friendly food in bulk and spend less of my "quality time with the kids"  traveling between food allergy
friendly grocery stores?  We've got lots of stories regarding food allergies to tell.

Please don't misconstrue my words as complaints.  I find it much more enjoyable to be positive and to see the
glass as half full.  What some people may interpret as negatives, I interpret as challenges and I enjoy the boost
of energy that results from meeting the food allergy challenges head on and finding ways to circumvent them
and stuff them in the background where they belong.  Well, maybe it's not quite thaaaaat good :)
Food allergies seem less overwhelming now that food allergy friendly restaurants are on the rise.
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Flying with Food Allergy.
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Remember to check out the food allergy friendly blog once you're inside!
Click Here to share your restaurant story">Please share your favorite Food Allergy Related Restaurant Story.
Click Here to share your story">Please share your favorite food allergy related restaurant story.

"Food allergies seem more manageable by the day."
All tweets are pertinent to food allergy friendly restaurants and/or food allergies.